From Oyunuma Lake to Takimotokan – Japan’s Best Hot Springs

Takimotokan has some of Japan’s best hot springs. By simply visiting our main bath-house, you would have literally experienced more than half of the different hot spring types that Japan has to offer.


But we’ll save that topic for another time. This time we want to tell you about the Hell Valley responsible for Noboribetu’s hot springs waters.


As you hike through Hell Valley and witness the breathtaking display of hot steam vents, sulfurous streams, and volcanic activity, you’ll probably notice a huge body of water along the way. This would be the Oyunuma Lake – a crater lake created by volcanic eruptions, which by the way are still active. It has a surface temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius and this is where the magic happens.


oyunuma lake


Flowing out of Oyunuma Lake is a river called Oyunumagawa, which runs for hundreds of meters. If you follow along the path long enough, which is highly recommended, you will get to enjoy a relaxing natural footbath from the same water.


So whether you are soaking it up in Takimotokan’s hot springs or dipping your tired legs into the outdoors foot bath, just sit back, relax, and let mother nature take care of you.