A Journey on Its Own

image2Staying in a traditional Japanese hotel is a journey on its own. For those simply expecting a bed to crash for the night, they ought to think better of it.

The moment you step into the grand lobby, where you are greeted by staff dressed in traditional kimoto, you instantly know that something new, something enticing, and something fantastic is in store. The meticulous attention to detail enables an experience of true Japanese refinement. From the color theme of the interior to the heart-warming way you are received at the front desk, you can be assured that everything is arranged for the better enjoyment of this journey you have partaken.

image3The traditional Japanese-style room is nothing like you have seen before. There has never been another minimalistic design that is so straightforward and yet so profound, and the execution so elegant. In every object that was chosen and placed in the room, there seems to be history. It is the deliberate effort of many generations that made this gestalt of a presentation possible. Simultaneously, you become aware of the mindfulness of living, the core value of Japanese zen buddhism.

image4 You are instructed to seat on the floor cushion. Dessert is prepared along with green tea. “When was the last time I sat on the floor?” You might wonder to yourself. Whereas in many cultures, only children are seen to sit and play on the floor, it is part of the Japanese customs that people position themselves close to the ground. It starts to make sense gradually, as you connect with the surroundings, and you might even discover that you enjoy this new found closeness to earth.

After enjoying dinner and soaking yourself thoroughly in the hot bath, you will be coming back to a readily made bed. The bed-making procedure is usually unseen. It makes you marvel at the detailed planning and the efficiency of staff. This also reflects the fundamental serving spirit of Japan. The people quietly watch and always think ahead, yet they do not expect gratitude or recognition. It is many like this that makes staying in a traditional Japanese hotel truly a journey on its own – a journey you wish would never end and one you cannot wait to come back to time and again.
