A New Sommelier on Staff


We are pleased to announce that Akira Takahashi, a restaurant manager at Dai-ichi Takimotokan, recently passed the sommelier test with flying colors! We include a clipping from the November 30th Muroran Minpo showing Takahashi hard at work practicing his craft. Trained professionals, sommeliers help educate consumers about wine itself, pairings with food, and how to best enjoy it.

The test, offered by the Japan Sommelier Association, has a 40-percent pass rate, so we are particularly thrilled at his success. The second half is especially challenging as it requires the student to serve the examiner within a set time limit. It is also important to note, though, that professionals like Takahashi continue to refine their abilities and add to their knowledge throughout the entirety of their careers.

Starting December 13, Takahashi’s recommended wines will be served at the restaurant. Please stop by for a sip or two! Also, if you happen to meet Takashi while there, please say hello and offer your congratulations on a job well done!