Rakugo, the Fallen Words

Rakugo 1

Rakugo is an entertainment form in Japan with a very long tradition. It involves a single storyteller on stage telling comical stories, using not more than a paper fan or a small cloth as props.

The story almost always include dialogues of two or more characters. A rakugo artist would depict the difference with change in vocal qualities and turn of the head. This performing style requires no costume or scenery. It relies on the skills of a good storyteller to enable a lively performance and to inspire the imagination of the audience. This is made even more challenging by the fact that a rakugo artist remains seated in a formal sitting position throughout the entire show.

In the modern days, a rakugo association forms among artists all over Japan to promote and develop the rakugo culture. The east section “Rakugo Art Association” is led by Utamaru Katsura, and “Kamigata Rakugo Association” in the west is led by Fumie Katsura. Since 2013, both sections teamed up and made the event “Ikina-Kutsurogitei Tei” possible in hot spring resorts.

Rakugo 2

This year, Dai-ichi Takimotokan is chosen to be one of the hotels where “Ikina-Kutsurogitei Tei” tours. We will be hosting the event three times throughout the year and anyone is welcome. If you arrive from 20:15, you will also get to enjoy our taiko drum performance!

Date: 2016.05.14 (SAT)
Place: Ideyu (Honkan 4th Floor)
Time: 21:00~
Cost: FREE

Future Performances:
2016.08.26 (FRI)
2016.11.12 (SAT)