Some Beautiful Faces in the Lobby

Even though the hot water festival has ended and Spring has arrived in Noboribetsu Onsen, a fine snow continues to fall today. We were hoping Spring might be just a little bit closer…

However, starting on February 10, some beautiful faces arrived in our lobby!

Every year at Dai-Ichi Takimotokan, we bring out our collection of Hinamatsuri dolls just after the first day of Spring. (This year Spring in Japan began on February 9.) Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival or Girl’s Day) takes place each year on March 3. Dolls representing the Emperor and Empress are set up on a special altar. Some displays, like the one here at Dai-Ichi Takimotokan include a series of steps on which other dolls are placed. These dolls represent the attendants for the Emperor and Empress.

The dolls and their display are also an important part of the celebration of Girl’s Day. Families celebrate their female children on this day and pray for their good fortune and health. Tradition dictates, however, that the dolls only remain on display until March 4 as leaving them out any longer can signify a late marriage for a daughter.

We also have a sign near the front of the lobby explaining the meaning of the dolls and the display to our guests. We noticed over the years how curious everyone was about the dolls and how much they admired them. We thought the sign would be helpful for everyone to understand a little bit more about this important holiday.