Special Spring Menu

As Spring gets underway here in Noboribetsu, we are excited to present our Special Spring Menu!

Special Set Meal
Our Special Meal consists of Rockfish simmered in soy sauce to draw out its rich, natural flavors. A second dish, tender Japanese beef sautéed on a ceramic plate and gently marinated in soy sauce and onions, complements the fish with its hearty taste.

Deluxe Set Meal
The Deluxe Set meal contains a total of thirteen dishes featuring a variety of traditional ingredients. These include seven appetizers such as steamed shrimp and broad bean dumplings as well as tsukushi (horsetail sprout) rolls. (Tsukushi are one of the sansai or wild vegetables typical of Spring in Japan and well-loved for their unique flavor.) The main dishes include Tokachi Beef Sukiyaki served with an egg boiled in onsen water, which gives it a silky smooth texture and rich flavor.

Takimoto Gozen
The Takimoto Gozen or Emperor’s Meal, is perhaps the most luxurious offering of the season and features hand-caught crab from the nearby Sea of Okhotsk, Ezo (Hokkaido’s former name) abalone, and salmon bo-zushi (salmon pressed into a rod shape.)

**Please keep in mind that the contents of the menu may vary slightly depending on market availability.

A detailed list of the rest of our menu can also be found on the Dai-ichi Takimotokan website.

Our Special Spring Menu is only available from March 1st until the end of May, so please enjoy these unique ingredients and flavors while they last.

We look forward to sharing them with you!